Natural Radiance with Injectables
Renewed confidence for a busy professional

Botox wasn’t new to Rachel Greenberg. The subtle refresh it brought to her appearance had been a part of her routine for a while. But, she says, “The ERA clinic is much closer to me than my current provider, and Ester Raizy is well-known for her attention to detail. So I thought — why not give it a try?”

Trusted Hands
How Ester Raizy Akerman became the go-to for a Hatzalah EMT

An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and member of Hatzalah, a renowned community-based emergency service, trusted Ester Raizy Akerman with not just his own care, but also the care of his family and his community.

Stitching Back Hope
ERA saves an amputated finger, defying a scary prognosis

It’s every parent’s nightmare: receiving an unexpected call from their child’s camp notifying them of a scary accident. When Reuven M.’s phone rang with news from his son’s camp in Upstate New York, the message was heart-wrenching.

Shaping Ears—and a Child’s Future
A mother’s concern meets ERA’s expertise

When a child is born, every detail is cherished. For a young mother noticing her newborn’s uniquely shaped ears, the journey began with questions and concerns. While pediatricians felt it would self-resolve, a mother’s intuition led her to Ester Raizy Akerman.